Saturday, October 1, 2011

Class Thirteen

Money is neutral.
When trade with other country
David Hume believe protectionism will cause loss in( trade with others brings three often
underappreciated benefits:)
i.. Competition------you get quality stuff
"Trabint" ---Germany
ii. Innovation (and the ability to learn from others)
Eg. Toyota&Assembly line
Lenin----assembly line
iii. Division of labor
*Adam Smith1776
You don't need the government to regulate everything.
All you need is to allow a system "laisszze faire"
*Government should:
1. Police & Courts to protect democracy
2. National Defense to protect from foreign barbarianism
3. Public Goods
* We will have a chance for success:
1. Rights to Property be protected
2. Division of Labor
3. Exchange is peaceful and mutual
" The source of wealth is our ability to produce and exchange"
4. No Special Privilege
these only make the economy be dynamic
What is "spontaneous order" all about?
Trading is not designed by anybody. People exchange out of their self-interests
Worries of A.D.
1.Public prejudice(Bias)
2.Interested parties are probably able to control the government.
*Capitalism is not just the accumulation of capital, it also includes medical treatment, insurance ,technology,which increase people's living standard.
The capitalistic a country is, the smaller the fraction of income comes from capital, the more actually comes from tertiary industry.
*Materialism isn't a necessary cost in human progress because capitalism leaves the less inequality than other alternative systems.  

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