Saturday, October 22, 2011

Individualism and Altruism

Outline: In this article, Rizzo presented us the detailed explanation of individualism and altruism. Here he examine why individualism succeed in generate good market outcome whilst altruism, although well intended, fail to make best outcome. In more detail, he mentioned the failing nature of sacrifice, the knowledge problem and thus made a conclusion that: people can preach altruism but they cannot live it.
Economic concept: This is another interpretation of the invisible hand and market system. Furthermore, it also mentioned the law of unintended consequences. In one word, the best procedure to maintain a healthy economy is to make sure that everybody act out of there own interest.
3 Rhetorical questions:
i. We've heard that Bastiat divide  ethics into two categories: philosophical/ religious ones and economic ones. As he argued, it's true that economic ethic generate more significant outcome in reality, but it's also true that religious ones are  superior. How's the concept of individualism affecting out self-perfection and the introduction of general philosophical ethic? 
ii. We've also talked about the problem of Coercion and Corruption of economic activity. Is it reasonable to argue that some behavior should be prohibited although it's out of general individualism?
iii. Are there possible situations in which individualism fail?
My opinion:
I agree that individualism works better than altruism under modern world. But what if the productivity reaches a real high standard, and the self-seeking pattern reaches a new stage that people can easily know what others want? Is altruism really impractical in the future? I remain in doubt.

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